Genetic Factors and Purine Consumption as Predictors of Uric Acid in Coastal Communities
The incidence of uric acid in the world is estimated at 47.2% which varies in various populations throughout the world. The highest prevalence of uric acid in people aged >15 years, according to districts/cities in Southeast Sulawesi Province, based on doctors' diagnoses, was in North Buton (12.62%). therefore, North Buton District, especially in the working area of the Kulisusu Health Center was chosen as the location of this study. This study aims to determine the predictors of uric acid in people in coastal areas. This study uses a case-control study design. The population in this study consisted of people living in the coastal area of the Kulisusu Health Center, with a total sample of 106 (53 cases and 53 controls). Sampling using a simple random sampling technique. Data was collected using a questionnaire, and the data that had been collected was analyzed statistically using the chi-square test at a 95% confidence level (α = 0.05) which aims to analyze predictors of gout. The results showed that genetic factors had a value (p=0.004; OR=3.559; CI = 1.483-8.539) and purine consumption patterns had a value (p=0.02; OR=3.103; CI=1.162-8.288). It can be concluded that genetic factors and purine consumption patterns are predictors or risk factors for gout in coastal communities in the working area of the Kulisusu Health Center. Coastal communities should limit foods that contain high purines, such as shellfish and meat, especially for those who have a family history of uric acid.
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