of Health : Jurnal Kesehatan2025-02-07T12:46:08+00:00Hasriwiani Habo Journal Systems<p>Window of Health: Jurnal Kesehatan is a publication of scientific work in the field of health in a broad sense, such as public health, nursing, midwifery, medicine, pharmacy, health psychology, nutrition, health technology, health analysis, health information systems, medical records, hospital management and around it. In addition, the Journal was established in 2017 by the Institute of Study and Management Center Journal of the Faculty of Public Health University Muslim Indonesia, located in Makassar, South Sulawesi. The Window of Health: Jurnal Kesehatan was <strong>published in January, April, July, and October</strong> with <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">E-ISSN 2614-5375</a></strong>. This journal has also collaborated with <a href=""><strong>Persatuan Sarjana Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (PERSAKMI)</strong></a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Number: 03/KEP/PP-PERSAKMI/C/IX/2018</strong></a>, in terms of assisting the advancement of public health sciences and disseminating research results. Window Of Health: Jurnal Kesehatan has been Accredited Nationally <a href=""><strong>and Ranked Second</strong></a> by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education. <strong><u>Number: 200/M/KPT/2020</u></strong> Regarding The scientific journal Accreditation Ranking Of Period 3 No 3/ 2020</p> of User Satisfaction of Electronic Medical Record System at RSI Sultan Agung Semarang2025-02-07T12:46:08+00:00Lutfiyah RizqullohLutfiyah.rizqulloh@gmail.comMuhammad Iqbalmuhammiq@gmail.comDiah<p>From 2019 to 2022, RSI Sultan Agung Semarang managed SIMRS independently. While the implementation remained hybrid, SIMRS was turned over to a third party in early 2023 to develop Electronic Medical Records (EMR). However, in 2024, a year later, the management of SIMRS and EMR was once again independent. It was necessary to assess user satisfaction with the EMR in light of these modifications. This study aims to determine the variables affecting users' satisfaction with the EMR at RSI Sultan Agung Semarang's medical record installation. Cross-sectional research was used in conjunction with quantitative research design. Questionnaires were distributed to collect data. Purposive sampling was used in the sampling process, and 32 individuals met the inclusion criteria. The statistical test results demonstrate that all of the variable's content, accuracy, format, ease of use, and timeliness have p-values less than 0.05, indicating a significant relationship between each variable and satisfaction with the EMR. Everything about the EMR system has been going smoothly; more system development is needed to make it easier to access quickly and effectively, which will improve the timeliness of medical services. Future research should look into other variables or perform long-term studies to track changes in user satisfaction.</p>2025-01-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Lutfiyah Rizqulloh, Muhammad Iqbal and Home Environment effect on the Air Germs Number in the Tuberculosis Patients Houses2025-02-07T12:45:47+00:00Wanti Wantitrivena78@yahoo.comSiprianus Singgassiprianuss@gmail.comAgustina Silaokto_75@yahoo.comIrfan<p>The presence of germs, including Tuberculosis germs, in the house is greatly influenced by home environmental factors and TB sufferers behavior. This research aim is to determine the influence of home environmental factors and behavior on the number of air germs in the tuberculosis patients house in Kupang City. This observational research was conducted with purposive sampling in 21 homes with 21 TB patients from 86 patients from 2 Community Health Centers in Kupang City, NTT, Indonesia. The number of air germs with MPN coliform examination is measured based on laboratory examination. The independent variables are the number of people sleeping in the same room, type of walls, type of floor, ventilation conditions, wearing masks in the house, drying mattresses/pillows, place to expel phlegm, type of cooking fuel, smokers, sunlight entering the bedroom, sunlight entering the room. Going out and passive smoking. The data collected was then analyzed using multiple regression, and result in the equation: Number of Air germs = -203,614 + 59,538Ventilation Conditions + 86,333Drying MattressPillows + 63,841Smoking + 83,515Mthr Light to Room. The model shows that 61% of the number of air germs in the Tuberculosis patient's house is influenced by ventilation conditions, the habit of drying cases and pillows, the ability to smoke, and sunlight entering the rooms of Tuberculosis sufferers. This regression model is suitable for predicting the number of room air germs, where the fewer ventilation conditions, the germ number will increase, so the less frequently drying mattresses and pillows can also impact increasing the number of air germs in the homes of Tuberculosis sufferers. The number of room germs will also increase with smoking behavior and lack of direct sunlight in the bedroom.</p>2025-01-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Wanti Wanti, Siprianus Singga, Agustina Agustina, Oktofianus Sila, Irfan Irfan Tempe Juice And Yogurt's Efficacy On Pregnancy Hypertension 2025-02-07T12:45:25+00:00Endah Sujawattysrisujawaty86@gmail.comYollanda Dwi Santi Violentina Suherlinikasuherlin86@gmail.comRahman Dewi Agustini<p>Hypertension is one of the non-communicable diseases that causes most deaths. In the last six months, there have been ten cases of hypertension in pregnant mothers in the South City Health Center. Age, genetic factors, and parity can cause hypertension in pregnant mothers. This study aims to determine whether tempe yogurt and tempe spice juice help reduce hypertension in pregnancies in the South Puskesmas Working Region. The quantitative study was conducted from April to September 2023 and used a quasi-experimental design of two groups of pretest and posttest. A purposive sampling of forty individuals was used to collect the samples. The results of the study showed that respondents in group A were over 35 years old (35%), group B was 20-35 years old (45%), and group A had a parity of between 2 and 4 years (55%), and group B had a Parity of 2 to 4 years (80%). No history of hypertension in groups A and B (75%, 70%). It can be concluded that consuming tempe yogurt and tempe spice juice regularly is shown as one way to reduce hypertension during pregnancy<em>.</em></p>2025-01-26T03:02:17+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Endah Yulianingsih, Sri Sujawatty, Yollanda Dwi Santi Violentina , Nurfaizah Alza, Ika Suherlin, Rahman Suleman, Miranie Safaringga, Rahma Dewi Agustini Influence of Employee Empowerment, Psychological Capital, and Work-Family Conflict on Employees Commitment at the A. Yani Islamic Hospital Surabaya2025-02-07T12:45:04+00:00Berliana Oktavia Nurul Hidayah Puspa Serunieksaruni@gmail.comNyoman Anita Retno Nurul<p>The low commitment of employees at A. Yani Islamic Hospital Surabaya is indicated by the high percentage of employees leaving the hospital for personal reasons. In 2017, it was 5.50%; in 2018, it was 6.57%; and in 2019 it was 10%. This study analyzes the relationship between employee empowerment, psychological capital, and work-family conflict on employee commitment at A. Yani Islamic Hospital Surabaya. The type of this research is an observational analytical study with a cross-sectional approach. The number of respondents in this study is 199 employees of A. Yani Islamic Hospital, who were randomly selected. Primary data collection was conducted through questionnaire completion to identify employee empowerment, psychological capital, and work-family conflict on employee commitment. Employee empowerment is measured using the CWEQ-II (Conditions of Work Effectiveness Questionnaire II), psychological capital is measured using the PCQ (Psychological Capital Questionnaire), work-family conflict is measured using the work-family conflict scale, and employee commitment is measured using the OCQ (Organizational Commitment Questionnaire). (Organizational Commitment Questionnaire). Data was processed using SPSS and analyzed using multiple linear regression. The research results show that employee empowerment (p=0.047), psychological capital (p=0.000), and work-family conflict (p=0.000) significantly affect employee commitment. The higher the employee empowerment and psychological capital, the higher the employee commitment. The lower the work-family conflict, the higher the employee commitment. The advice that can be given is to create a positive work situation, create a supportive work environment, provide positive feedback, and support employees in their personal development.</p>2025-01-26T03:04:56+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Berliana Oktavia Setyawati, Eka Nurul Hidayah Puspa Seruni, Nyoman Anita Damayanti, Dewi Retno Suminar, Thinni Nurul Rochmah on Reducing Blood Sugar Levels in Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Ciputat Village, South of Tangerang City2025-02-07T12:44:42+00:00Riris Dwi Muthoinahluthfimutoinah18@gmail.comMuh Firman Yudiatmayudiatma0407@gmail.comSandeep<p>Diabetes mellitus increases blood glucose levels (hyperglycemia) due to damage from insulin secretion and action. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels. Symptoms felt in patients with Diabetes Mellitus are polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia, as well as weight loss and tingling. Hydrotherapy is one method of treatment and healing using water to get a therapeutic effect or healing. This study aimed to determine hydrotherapy's impact on reducing blood sugar levels in patients with type II diabetes mellitus in Ciputat Village, South of Tangerang City. The research method in this study is quantitative research and has a quasi-experimental design. Sampling using a non-probability sampling technique with a sample of 68 respondents. Data analysis using the Wilcoxon test with a degree of significance p < 0.05. The results showed that the statistical test results for the Wilcoxon Test get a p-value of 0.00 < 0.05. This conclusion shows hydrotherapy's effect on reducing blood sugar levels in patients with type II diabetes mellitus in Ciputat Village, South of Tangerang City.</p>2025-01-30T15:27:03+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Riris Andriati, Rita Dwi Pratiwi, Luthfi Muthoinah, Muh Firman Yudiatma, Sandeep Poddar Enhancing Self-Awareness to Prevent Gender-Based and Sexual Violence on Campus through Interprofessional Education Intervention2025-02-07T12:44:21+00:00Noer Saudahnoersaudah15@gmail.comChasiru Zainal Abidincehazetabidin@gmail.comIndah Lestarins.indah@yahoo.comEsti Andariniandarini.ea@gmail.comA'im Matun Frilasarihenifrila@gmail.comYudisa Diaz Lutfi<p>Gender-based sexual violence on campus is a serious issue and is a less serious concern. Students tend to lack an understanding of sexual issues caused by the culture on campus that disfavors the victim by the theory of power relations and a feminist perspective. Students’ knowledge and awareness of gender-based sexual violence on campuses need to be improved. This study assesses students’ self-awareness due to health promotion provided through the Interprofessional Education (IPE) approach. A quasi-experiment with a pre-post-test design was conducted to evaluate 144 students through purposive sampling. The questionnaire adapted from the Situational Self-Awareness Scale (SSAS) was utilized to collect the data. There was a significant improvement in self-awareness (p < 0.001 and t-value= 25.68) after receiving IPE among students. Providing health education with an IPE approach is an effective strategy for raising undergraduate students' awareness of gender-based sexual violence on campus. This intervention may help develop the concept of cooperation and collaboration between health professionals to prepare and create standard measures for preventing and addressing cases of gender-based sexual violence on campus.</p>2025-01-31T13:36:16+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Noer Saudah, Chasiru Zainal Abidin, Indah Lestari, Esti Andarini, A'im Matun Nadhiroh; Heni Frilasari; Yudisa Diaz Lutfi Sandi of Strategies to Overcome Dual-Triple Burden of Malnutrition in Adolescent Girls Based on Local Wisdom: A Qualitative Study 2025-02-07T12:44:00+00:00Sitti Patimah Avnalurini<p>The dual-triple burden of malnutrition among adolescent girls in Indonesia is a significant issue, particularly in West Sulawesi Province. Majene Regency has the second highest prevalence of malnutrition in the country, with alarming statistics showing that adolescent girls are affected by stunting (31.5%), anemia (17.9%), Chronic Energy Deficiency (KEK) (22.4%), and obesity (18.9%). This study aims to explore strategies for preventing and managing malnutrition based on local wisdom and cultural practices. The methodology includes qualitative-descriptive research through Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and in-depth interviews with informants from four secondary schools in Majene District. Key informants include health service heads, nutrition officers, school principals, teachers, food vendors, parents, and female students. Their insights provide a comprehensive view of the challenges and potential solutions. The findings indicate several effective strategies: (1) changing mindsets about instant foods through education; (2) promoting healthy eating and local food consumption; (3) regular distribution of iron supplements in schools; (4) encouraging physical activity; (5) innovating healthy food services in school canteens; (6) revitalizing local government programs; and (7) securing funding through School Operational Assistance and Village funds to support these initiatives. In conclusion, there are several local wisdom-based strategies that can be implemented to address malnutrition among adolescent girls. It is suggested that the results of this research can be a valuable reference for local governments, educators, and various stakeholders who are committed to improving the nutritional-health status of adolescent girls.</p>2025-02-02T02:26:04+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Sitti Patimah Sudirman, Masriadi, Hasriwiani Habo Abbas, Suchi Avnalurini Sharief Impact of Smartphone Usage On Adolescent Social Interaction in Borongloe Village2025-02-07T12:43:38+00:00Brajakson<p>Excessive smartphone use can negatively impact the social behavior of adolescents, including emotional instability. Objective: This study aims to analyze the relationship between smartphone use and the social interaction of adolescents in Borongloe Village. The method used in this study is quantitative with a cross-sectional study design. The sampling technique used is proportional stratified random sampling with a total sample size of 91 respondents, using a questionnaire as the instrument. The relationship test was conducted using the chi-square statistical test with a significance level of <0.05. Results: The results of the study indicate that active smartphone use is more dominant than passive use, the social behavior of adolescents tends to be poorer rather than better, and there is a significant relationship between smartphone use and the social behavior of adolescents in Borongloe Village, Gowa Regency, with a p-value of 0.00 (p < 0.05). This study concludes that there is a significant relationship between smartphone use and the social interaction of adolescents in Borongloe Village, Gowa Regency. Therefore, it is expected that adolescents will become more aware of the negative impacts of excessive smartphone use and that parents and teachers will supervise the use of smartphones by adolescents</p>2025-02-03T14:50:48+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Brajakson Siokal, Wahyuningsih, Akbar Asfar, Sudarman Depuration Using Seawater In Asiatic Hard Clams (Meretrix) In The Waters Of The Jenelata River, Habo Rizqiani Ulmy<p>Depuration is an effort to reduce/eliminate contamination, including microplastics, using a water circulation system. This study aims to determine the effective depuration time to reduce the microplastic content in Asiatic hard clams (Meretrix). This study used a quantitative approach with an experimental research design and a completely randomized design. There are 450 clams used as an experimental animal where the treatment consisted of four depuration times, namely 1, 2, 3, and 4 days with three repetitions of each treatment, while the control clams were without depuration. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to see the effect of depuration treatment on the microplastic content. If the effect of the treatment was significantly different, then the Post Hoc Test was continued to determine the differences between treatments. The results showed that Asiatic hard clams (Meretrix) obtained from the mouth of the Jenelata River, Gowa, were contaminated with microplastics ranging from 0.6 to 8.1 MPs/clam and an average of 3.96 MPs/clam. Depuration time significantly affected the microplastic content in clams' depuration effectiveness. There is a tendency for a longer depuration time to decrease microplastic content in clams. The adequate depuration time to reduce the microplastic content in Asiatic hard clams (Meretrix) was 3 and 4 days. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that further research be conducted to explore methods for reducing microplastics using natural materials.</p>2025-02-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Yuliati of Ultra-processed Food Consumption with Nutritional Status and Blood Pressure in Adolescents2025-02-07T12:42:54+00:00Anna Khuzaimahannakhuzaimah71@gmail.comIndriyani Prima Ruttuindriyaniprima12@gmail.comNurhaedar<p>Adolescents are nutritionally vulnerable, and their intake is crucial to avoid nutritional problems during growth. Adolescent food consumption can be obtained from various types of food, one of them ultra-processed food (UPF). This study aims to determine the relationship between ultra-processed food consumption patterns and nutritional status and blood pressure in Catholic Junior High School Sudiang adolescents and Christian Elim High School Makassar. Methods: This study is a quantitative descriptive study with a cross-sectional design. The sample was selected using a proportional random sampling technique of 195 adolescents aged 13-18. UPF consumption was collected using the Semi Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire (SQ-FFQ). The research results show adolescents are overweight at 25.6% and obese at 21%; elevated blood pressure (BP) is 14.4%, and state hypertension (HTN) is 8.2%. In addition, obese adolescents with state 1 HTN were 17.1% and elevated BP by 24.4%, while overweight adolescents with state 1 HTN were 8% and elevated BP by 14%. There is a correlation between the amount of UPF consumption and nutritional status (p-value = 0.047). At the same time, the results were negative between the frequency of UPF consumption and nutritional status (p-value = 0.312), the amount of UPF consumption and BP (p-value = 0.289), and the frequency of UPF consumption and BP (p-value = 0.059). The study concludes a significant correlation between the amount of ultra-processed food consumption and nutritional status in adolescents. Further research and public health interventions are recommended to address the impact of UPF on adolescent health.</p>2025-02-06T06:21:20+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Anna Khuzaimah