Window of Health : Jurnal Kesehatan <p>Window of Health: Jurnal Kesehatan is a publication of scientific work in the field of health in a broad sense, such as public health, nursing, midwifery, medicine, pharmacy, health psychology, nutrition, health technology, health analysis, health information systems, medical records, hospital management and around it. In addition, the Journal was established in 2017 by the Institute of Study and Management Center Journal of the Faculty of Public Health University Muslim Indonesia, located in Makassar, South Sulawesi. The Window of Health: Jurnal Kesehatan was <strong>published in January, April, July, and October</strong> with <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">E-ISSN 2614-5375</a></strong>. This journal has also collaborated with&nbsp;<a href=""><strong>Persatuan Sarjana Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (PERSAKMI)</strong></a>&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Number: 03/KEP/PP-PERSAKMI/C/IX/2018</strong></a>, in terms of assisting the advancement of public health sciences and disseminating research results. Window Of Health: Jurnal Kesehatan has been Accredited Nationally&nbsp;<a href=""><strong>and Ranked Second</strong></a> by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education.&nbsp;<strong><u>Number: 200/M/KPT/2020</u></strong> Regarding The scientific journal Accreditation Ranking Of Period 3 No 3/ 2020</p> Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Muslim Indonesia en-US Window of Health : Jurnal Kesehatan 2614-5375 The Effect of Aloe Vera Tea on Constipation Management And Safety of Fetal Growth <p>Constipation is one of the 60% of gastrointestinal discomforts in pregnancy. WHO (2018) states that 11-38% of pregnancies will experience constipation. It takes laxative substances that stimulate peristaltic movement of the intestinal wall, such as aloe vera. However, it contains a teratogenic component for pregnant women, namely aloin. The study aims to determine the effect of aloe vera tea as a treatment for constipation and test fetal weight growth's safety during organogenesis. Methods: This research is an experimental study, a laboratory pre-clinical study using a pre-post test randomized control group design in-vivo method. Against 24 pregnant mice constipated by induced oral extract of gambier 1 ml. Results: The control group intervention (Dulcolax 0.1 ml/20grBB) had a higher mean frequency than the aloe vera tea treatment. The results of the ANOVA test of 0.013&lt;0.05 showed a significant difference between the four groups after five days. The category of the fastest onset of action of laxatives was shown in K3 (aloe vera tea dose of 0.2gr/20grBB) at 03:08 minutes compared to the control group (Dulcolax 0.1gr/20grBB) at 04:35 minutes. The ANOVA test of 0.000&lt;0.05 showed a significant difference between K1, K2, K3 and K4. Based on the weight of the fetuses from the four groups was not significantly different (0.764&gt;0.05). Conclusion: Dulcolax 0.1 ml and aloe vera tea 0.2gr/20grBB effectively increased the frequency of defecation in mice. Aloe vera tea 0.2gr/20grBB was very effective, with the fastest onset of laxative action compared to the control group. Aloe vera tea affects fetal growth in the form of a decrease in body weight at the highest dose of 0.4gr/20grBB. Suggestion: A dose of 0.2 grams of aloe vera tea is recommended to be converted to a human dose as an effective measure for treating constipation in pregnant women.</p> Nurul Arriza Andi Nilawati Usman Healthy Hidayanty Mardiana Ahmad Risfa Yulianty Irmayanti Copyright (c) 2024 nurul arriza, Andi Nilawati Usman , Healthy Hidayanty Healthy Hidayanty , Mardiana Ahmad , Irmayanti Irmayanti, Risfa Yulianty Risfa Yulianty 2024-07-24 2024-07-24 215 225 10.33096/woh.v7i2.297 Counseling Techniques Based on a Humanistic Approach in Antenatal Care Services on Anxiety Levels of Pregnant Women <p>The psychological condition of women who experience pregnancy tends to be unstable. Their mood changes quickly, their emotions and perceptions change, and they are sensitive and tend to behave excessively. Women who are not psychologically ready may experience unhappiness during pregnancy. The psychological impact of pregnant women is sensitive, and women become more sensitive, irritable, and irritable. This condition will affect the mother's anxiety during the pregnancy process. This study aims to analyze the effect of counseling based on a humanistic approach in antenatal care on the anxiety of pregnant women. This research method uses a quasi-experimental design with a control group. The results of the research are the Mann-Whitney U test, which shows a sig value (2-tailed) = 0.000 (&lt;0.005), which means there is an influence of counseling based on a humanitarian approach on the anxiety level of pregnant women. It is hoped that the conclusions of this research can help solve the problems that pregnant women need in carrying out their pregnancy. The service methods produced in this research can be developed into teaching materials, especially midwifery care during pregnancy, to improve services for pregnant women. pregnancy and efforts to reduce maternal and child mortality.</p> Endah Yulianingsih Puspita Sukmawaty Rasyid Yusni Podungge Funco Tanipu Miranie Safaringga Copyright (c) 2024 Endah Yulianingsih, Puspita Sukmawaty Rasyid, Yusni Podungge, Funco Tanipu, Miranie Safaringga 2024-07-24 2024-07-24 226 235 10.33096/woh.v7i2.544 Risk Factors for Hypertension in the Coastal Area of Tarakan City <p>Hypertension is a severe medical condition and is the leading cause of premature death worldwide, significantly increasing the risk of heart, brain, kidney, and other diseases. However, not all people with hypertension are aware of their disease, and it is only discovered after complications occur. Therefore, hypertension must be prevented and controlled. Prevention and control of hypertension aims to prevent and reduce the probability of morbidity, complications, and death. Hypertension can be prevented by controlling risky behaviors. This study aims to analyze the risk factors for hypertension in coastal communities in Tarakan City. This research is quantitative research with a cross-sectional study design. The study sampled people in the working area of the Amal Beach Health Centre, Tarakan City, and met the sample criteria obtained using a purposive sampling technique. The data obtained will be processed univariate and bivariate. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between obesity (p-value 0.001), family history (p-value 0.013), and sports activity (p-value 0.009) with the incidence of hypertension. Smoking habits did not show a significant relationship (p-value 0.230) with the incidence of hypertension. This study concludes that obesity, family history, and exercise activity are risk factors for the incidence of hypertension in coastal areas of Tarakan City. Therefore, it is hoped that health promotion efforts in the form of scheduled counseling on risk factors for hypertension and preventive efforts in the form of early detection so that people can prevent or control hypertension to avoid complications.</p> Najihah Dewi Wijayanti Ramdya Akbar Tukan Hidayat Arifin Suhermi Copyright (c) 2024 Najihah, Dewi Wijayanti, Ramdya Akbar Tukan, Suhermi, Hidayat Arifin 2024-07-25 2024-07-25 236 244 10.33096/woh.v7i2.1295 Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitory Activity, Toxicity Test, and Phytochemical Analysis of Roselle Flower Extract <p>Hypertension is still one of the biggest health problems in the world, including in Indonesia. The high prevalence rate has encouraged a lot of research to find antihypertensive drugs and other alternative healing methods, especially those using natural ingredients. One plant that has antihypertensive activity is the roselle flower (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.). This research aimed to observe the inhibitory activity of roselle flower extract on the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), determine the potential toxicity of roselle flower extract on shrimp larvae (Artemia salina Leach), and determine the phytochemical content in it. Roselle flower simplicia was extracted using the maceration method using a 70% ethanol solvent. The extract obtained was then tested for its inhibitory activity against ACE photometrically using a microplate reader. The observed inhibitory activity was calculated in terms of IC<sub>50</sub>. The toxicity of the extract was determined by the brine shrimp lethality test (BSLT) to see how toxic the roselle flower extract was to shrimp larvae. The secondary metabolite content in the extract was determined qualitatively and quantitatively. The research results showed that the extraction yield obtained was 32,63%. The IC<sub>50</sub> value of roselle flower extract against ACE was 295,36 ppm. The toxicity test on shrimp larvae showed that the LC<sub>50</sub> value obtained was 334,02 ppm. The results of qualitative phytochemical tests show that roselle flower extract contained flavonoids, quinones, and steroids. The flavonoids and phenolic content in roselle flower extract were 0,42% and 0,91%, respectively. Based on these results, the phytochemical content of roselle flower extract inhibited ACE activity, and its compounds can be used as ingredients for developing hypertension drugs</p> Ahmad Yani Venny Patricia Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Yani, Venny Patricia 2024-07-24 2024-07-24 245 255 10.33096/woh.v7i2.1320 Incidence of Stunting: Early and Exclusive Breastfeeding in Two-Year-Old Children <p>The condition of toddlers having less length or height based on age as a result of factors such as socio-economic conditions, maternal nutrition during pregnancy, and lack of nutritional intake in the first 1000 days of life is called stunting. Nutritional intake factors include failure to initiate breastfeeding, failure to provide exclusive breast milk, and the early weaning process. The research aims to determine the relationship between a history of early initiation of breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding with the incidence of stunting in children under two years aged 6-24 months. The research was conducted in the work area of ​​the Lere Community Health Center, Palu City. This type of research is observation with a case-control approach with chi-square analysis. The sample in this study was 19 stunted and 38 under two years old who were not stunted. Data is presented in table form accompanied by a narrative. The results of the research showed that from 57 samples, the percentage of stunting was 33.3%, those under two years old who received early initiation of breastfeeding was 47.4%, and those who received exclusive breast milk were 56.1%. The statistical test results show a significant relationship between a history of early and exclusive breastfeeding and the incidence of stunting in toddlers aged 6-24 months (p &lt; 0.05) with an OR of 9.143 and 6.873, respectively. It is recommended that pregnant women initiate early breastfeeding immediately after giving birth and commit to providing exclusive breastfeeding to maintain the child's growth and development.</p> Rudy Hartono Yuridesi Nurani Putri Sunarto Sirajuddin Aswita Amir Muhammad Ikhtiar Ronny Horax Copyright (c) 2024 Rudy Hartono, Yuridesi Nurani Putri Putri, Sunarto Sunarto, Sirajuddin Sirajuddin, Aswita Amir, Muhammad Ikhtiar Muhammad Ikhtiar, Ronny Horax 2024-07-24 2024-07-24 256 263 10.33096/woh.v7i2.1322 Toxicity of Standardized Ethanolic Extracts from Duchesnea indica (Jacks.) Focke Plants Using the BSLT Method <p>Duchesnea indica (jacks. ) focke., known as a medical plant that is used as raw ingredients for traditional medicines and herbs to increase the immune system because plants have the properties to cure and prevent various diseases. The objective of this study is to examine the quality of the duchesnea indica leaves extract by standardization method of specific and non specific parameters as well as the toxicity assay using using the Brine Shrimp Letality Test (BSLT). The results of specific parameter research include the identity of extracting duchesnea indica, Organoptic tests form extract samples that are used to extract thick, It's brown, Typical smell, astringent taste. The content of water soluble compounds is 18.67%, the content of ethanol soluble compounds is 0.03%, based in phytochemical screening test, the duchesnea indica leaves extract&nbsp; contain phenolic, flavonoid, tannin, Saponin and terpenoid. Non-specific parameters carried out include loss on drying of grounded Duchesne indica leaves at 0.029%, loss on drying of DuchesneA indica leaves extract at 0.026%, specific gravity determination at 0.83%, extract water content determination of 2.15%, total ash content is 3.70%, non-soluble acid of ash content is 1.32%. Thus, from these results, we can conclude that Duchesne indica leaf extract meets quality standards for extracting raw materials that can be used for traditional medicine. Research results: The standardized ethanol extract of duchesnea indica leaves is toxic to Artemia salina leach larvae.</p> Risda Waris Selpida Handayani Wisdawati Rahni Hossani Copyright (c) 2024 risda waris, Selpida Handayani, Wisdawati Wisdawati, Rahni Hossani 2024-07-24 2024-07-24 264 272 10.33096/woh.v7i2.1328 The Influence of Blue Butterfly Pea Flower (Clitoria Ternatea) Gel Extract on Interleukin-10 (IL-10) and Glutathione Peroxidase (GPx) Levels <p>Long-term exposure to Ultraviolet B (UV-B) radiation causes increased skin darkening owing to a reaction to oxidative stress leading to elevated levels of nitric oxide (NO) and reactive oxygen species (ROS). Excessive ROS induces signal transduction and stimulates the transcription factor NF-kβ, an inflammatory mediator. Butterfly flower extract has high antioxidant levels, inhibiting ROS production and reducing inflammatory conditions, hindering MMP, preventing fibroblast cell apoptosis, and inhibiting collagen degradation. However, the role of butterfly pea flowers on IL-10 and GPx gene levels in melasma skin due to UV-B exposure is unclear. This research aims to assess the effectiveness of applying Blue Butterfly Pea Flower Extract Gel on the level of the IL-10 and GPx genes in Wistar rat strains exposed to UV-B. The UV-B-experimental research with the post-test control group. Groups K2, K3, and K4 were each exposed to UV-B at 302 nm with a MED of 160 mJ/cm2, while group K1 was the healthy group. K3 was given 5% butterfly pea flower gel, K4 was given 10% gel daily for 14 days, and K2 received base gel. On the 21st day, ELISA examined the tissue for IL-10 and GPx levels. The IL-10 gene level in the treatment group increased with higher dosages (K3=83.27±3.11, K4=90.66±4.00) compared to controls (K2=33.26±2.98, K1=104.7±3.26). The relative level of the GPx gene in the treatment group increased along with increasing dose (K3=44.90±1.44, K4=54.09±1.00) compared to the control group (K2=29.54±0.85, K1=62.43±0.85). Administration of butterfly pea flower gel can increase the level of the IL-10 gene and the level of the GPx gene in the skin tissue of mouse models of UV-B light-induced hyperpigmentation.</p> Siti Asichah Titiek Sumarawati Setyo Trisnadi Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Asichah, Titiek Sumarawati, Setyo Trisnadi 2024-07-24 2024-07-24 273 283 10.33096/woh.v7i2.1418 Analysis of Factors Causing Work Accidents Using the Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Method at the Sumber Asih 1 Bitung Clinic <p>Work accidents are unexpected events that can result in property loss and loss of life. Occupational safety and health in health installations are defined as activities to guarantee and protect the safety and health of human resources in health installations, patients, and patient companions so that protection standards are created for workers in health installations to prevent and reduce the risk of these dangers. The research was conducted at the Sumber Asih 1 Bitung Clinic in August – December 2023. Based on data on accidents at the Sumber Asih 1 Bitung clinic last year, there were ten work accidents. This research analyzes factors related to work accidents at the Sumber Asih 1 Bitung clinic in 2023. The method used in this research is the root cause analysis (RCA) method with five why analysis. The data source for this research consisted of 4 workers at the Sumber Asih 1 Bitung clinic. The data collection technique uses the observation method and in-depth interviews, followed by the triangulation method to validate the research results. The research found that the causes of work accidents were environmental factors: Lack of lighting in several clinic areas, slippery floors, and limited movement space. Meanwhile, human factors include unsafe actions, Lack of work safety training, Lack of concentration at work, and Lack of awareness of workers using personal protective equipment. It is necessary to carry out K3 (Occupational Safety and Health) training so that workers know the importance of working safely.</p> Veza Azteria Meri Hasibuan Desyawati Utami Raya Gisely Vionalita Copyright (c) 2024 veza azteria, meri hasibuan, Desyawati Utami Desyawati Utami, Raya Raya, Gisely Vionalita 2024-07-24 2024-07-24 284 296 10.33096/woh.v7i2.1452 Papaya Fruit Supply Chain System in Surabaya City: Towards a Better Food and Nutrition Urban Governance <p>Papaya<em> (Carica papaya Linn) </em>is a tropical fruit with high economic and nutritional value. Indonesia was the fourth biggest papaya producer in the Asian continent from 2008 to 2018, and East Java was the primary contributor. Papaya has complex chemical components such as protein, carbohydrates, fat, fiber, minerals, and vitamins. However, its supply chain system faces challenges such as postharvest issues, processing and transportation, and low consumption. This study aimed to determine the papaya fruit supply chain system in &nbsp;&nbsp; Surabaya City to reform the existing food and nutrition action plan, which has not yet been fully implemented. With a toolkit from FAO called RUFSAT (Rapid Urban Food System Assessment Tool), the food system was developed with a primary concern on papaya commodities. Results indicated that the papaya supply chain in Surabaya is comprised of three channels: farmer to collector, wholesaler/distributor, retailer, and consumer. Acquisition and distribution of papaya still suffered from losses, food safety, transportation handling, packaging issues, and quality assurance practices. In terms of consumption, most households ingested papaya within 1-3 times per week, which is considered inadequate. Effective collaboration among city government agencies is pivotal for addressing supply chain complexities. In addition, integrating papaya with other fruits into urban farming initiatives can help to improve the nutritional status of Surabaya citizens.</p> Kiki Ekiawan Lamatungga Hasriwiani Habo Abbas Muhammad Nasir Arsyidik Copyright (c) 2024 Kiki Ekiawan Lamatungga, Hasriwiani Habo Abbas, Muhammad Nasir Muhammad Nasir, Arsyidik Arsyidik 2024-07-24 2024-07-24 297 309 10.33096/woh.v7i2.1561 The Effect of Physical Activity on the Prevention of Degenerative Diseases of the Cardiovascular System <p>Atherosclerotic plaque, which forms in blood arteries due to a lack of blood flow to the cells that produce blood flow, is a disease that causes a continuous decline in the function of body cells that characterizes degenerative diseases of the cardiovascular system. Through physical exercise, this study seeks to prevent several degenerative diseases of the cardiovascular system by reducing indicators of metabolic symptoms. The type of research applied is Action Research with the Spiral Model of Kemmis and Taggart, which is realized through the stages of Plan, Action, Observation, and Reflection. The sample used in this study has purposive sampling criteria, namely participant techniques based on age, namely 15-25 years old, who is studying at Bina Guna College of Sports and Health, and who has healthy body conditions and has symptoms of degenerative diseases of the cardiovascular system. The number of participants obtained was 30 people. 75% of participant data came from obesity measurements, 50% from hypertension, 45% from above-normal cholesterol levels, 20% from above-normal sugar measurements, and 50% from uric acid. The following metrics were used to assess the success of the physical activity model: (1) Body Mass Index (BMI) measurements were used to determine obesity levels; (2) blood pressure devices were used to measure hypertension; and (3) Autocheck was used to measure uric acid, sugar, and cholesterol. The implementation of two cycles led to a 30% decrease in obese patients, a 13% decrease in hypertension, a 13% decrease in cholesterol, a 10% decrease in blood sugar levels, and a 10% decrease in uric acid. The concept of physical fitness in the form of a movement activity concept developed as physical activity in the form of gymnastics based on structured and systematic movements, physical activity in the form of a daily activity schedule, and physical education as a diet as an example of a diet in carrying out activities, the prevention model through physical activity influences reducing the symptoms of degenerative diseases in the cardiovascular system.</p> Liliana Puspa Sari Heru Santosa Garry Kuan Copyright (c) 2024 Liliana Puspa Sari, Heru Santosa, Garry Kuan Garry Kuan 2024-07-24 2024-07-24 310 319 10.33096/woh.v7i2.1314 The Effect Of Carbon Monoxide Gas Exposure Levels On Oxygen Saturation In Parking Attendants <p>Parking attendants are susceptible to health problems due to their ongoing exposure to vehicle-related air pollution. A significant contaminant called carbon monoxide (CO) binds to hemoglobin 200 times more strongly than oxygen, forming carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) and causing a decrease in blood oxygen saturation. This study aims to investigate how CO exposure affects the oxygen saturation levels of parking attendants at Surabaya's Kapasan Market. The study uses a cross-sectional methodology and quantitative analysis. Thirteen people made up the study's sample size, including all parking attendants at Kapasan Market in Surabaya. The concentration of CO gas, the workday length, and the oxygen saturation levels were the variables examined. The Spearman's rank correlation test was used to examine the data. The average CO gas level was 3.53 PPM, the average workday for the attendants was 7.5 hours, and the average oxygen saturation was 95%, according to the findings. CO levels and oxygen saturation showed a strong correlation (p = 0.010), as did work time and oxygen saturation (p = 0.005). It is advised that parking attendants take frequent breaks from their duties to breathe in fresh air, take vitamins and supplements, eat a healthy diet, and engage in little physical activity.</p> Dewi Lia Listyawati Rachmaniyah Marlik Khambali Edza Aria Wikurendra Copyright (c) 2024 marlik marlik, Dewi Lia Listyawati, Rachmaniyah, Khambali, Edza Aria Wikurendra 2024-07-24 2024-07-24 320 328 10.33096/woh.v7i2.1281 The Relationship Between Nutritional Status And Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Levels In Stunted Children In Cirebon Regency <p>Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) is a growth hormone mediator that acts as a growth-promoting factor in the growth process and is also an indicator of the adaptive immune system. Children who experience stunting will experience obstacles to growth and cognitive and motor development, affecting their productivity as adults. This research aims to determine IGF-1 levels and their relationship with stunted children's nutritional status. The research method used was observational, with a cross-sectional research design. The population of stunted children in the Tegalwangi locus area, Cirebon Regency, a sample of children aged 24-60 months who met the inclusion criteria of not being disabled and not being sick, was 50 children. The research began with parents filling in informed consent. Continue to fill in data on date of birth, measure height and weight, take @1ml of the child's blood, and analyze IGF-1 using the ELISA method. The research results were that the average IGF-1 level for men was 16,812 ± 5,164 ng/ml and for women 13,810 ± 5,111 ng/ml. Average IGF-1 levels aged 24-36 months were 14,777 ± 4,742 ng/ml, 36–48 months 17,050 ± 4,280 ng/ml, and 48–60 months 15,214 ± 6,248 ng/ml. Data analysis using the Pearson correlation test obtained a value of p=0.871 based on age, p=0.047 based on gender, p=0.643 based on Height for age, and p=0.245 based on Weight for age (95% CI). The conclusion is that there is a relationship between the age of a stunted child and IGF-1 levels, and there is no relationship with nutritional status. All stunted children have IGF-1 values ​​below the standard value for normal children based on the literature, namely ≥ 28.54 ng/ml.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Siti Pandanwangi Akrom Nurkhasanah Ahmad Azrul Zuniarto Titiek Hidayati Mei Ling Tsai Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Pandanwangi, Akrom Akrom, Nurkhasanah Nurkhasanah, Ahmad Azrul Zuniarto, Titiek Hidayati, Mei Ling Tsai 2024-07-25 2024-07-25 329 338 10.33096/woh.v7i2.1299